The Fearless Future

Abstract background image with a podcast microphone
April 10, 2024
minute read

Expert Strategies for Negotiating Real Estate Deals

Welcome to the Fearless Future Podcast with your hosts, Glenn and Amber! In this episode, we dive deep into the world of real estate negotiations, focusing on how to buy houses at a bargain and why the real art of making money in real estate happens when you buy, not just when you sell.

Key Highlights:

  • Understanding the importance of negotiation in real estate.
  • Insights into buying low: A crucial strategy for profitability.
  • Glenn and Amber's role-playing session, demonstrating negotiation techniques in action.
  • Real-world examples of successful real estate deals through strategic negotiation.
  • The emotional and practical aspects of negotiating with sellers.

What You'll Learn:

  • How to approach negotiation from a place of understanding and empathy.
  • Techniques to offer and counter offers effectively.
  • The balance between getting a good deal and ensuring a win-win outcome.
  • Practical tips on how to listen, ask the right questions, and find common ground.
  • How to navigate the complexities of real estate deals with confidence.

Tune in to gain valuable insights from Glenn and Amber's vast experience in real estate, and learn how to be a fearless negotiator, whether you're buying your first property or expanding your real estate portfolio.

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Links and Resources

  • Crushing It in Apartments and Commercial Real Estate by Brian H. Murray
  • The Real Estate Wholesaling Bible by Than Merrill
  • Investing in Apartment Buildings by Matthew A. Martinez
  • Real Estate Finance and Investment Course by Urban Land Institute

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